From the other side of the door - Pamela Hevia Solo exhibition
From the other side of the door - Pamela Hevia Solo exhibition
“ From the other side of the Door” Pamela Hevia’s solo exhibition
譯者/顏雪花(台、 英文學創作、台語文學英譯、藝術收藏及評論家)
Are you outside or inside the door? This is the best interpretation of the main theme: “ From the other side of the Door” for artist Pamela Hevia’s solo exhibition.
The artist continues the ashes that have left since the last, which were unconsciously ignited in her vocabularies. We can view the angles of the object through the connotation of “door” and feel the real expressive interest of the artist; synchronously, this is personal observation and records of the few years while she stays in Taiwan .
Artist Pamela emphasizes the self-observation and individual imagination during the creative process and development, and therefore, the elements and the object would be relevantly and closely linked together. Sometimes in her art works, the form of her diary writing will be decided by the fabric texture and patterns, and sometimes vise versa. She will convey her subtle thoughts of the surroundings through the fabric writing, such as the woman's appearance, doors, plants, twigs, vines and beds or the other images, which are associated with collage, sewing and embossing techniques, showing the artist’s uniqueness in thoughts. We can see the very delicate temperament and emotion through her work-- "The brief conversation between my soul and the dust”; of course, we can find the unrestrained tone and style that approach wildness in her work too.
To write in cloth has been the form of Pamela’s creation, it’s also the direction of her research currently. Through the indirect techniques of embossing, sewing and collage and link personal conscious and unconscious emotions to display the relationship between the present and the past. And, through the elements of subject, cloth, material and embossing patterns, a more complete presentation of work what the artist anticipates to express in her thoughts and the way she looks at the world would be easier for the viewers to get into the world of her diary.
Do you start to concern what happened in the surroundings no matter if you are inside or outside the door?
Pamela Hevia‧《Ephemeral dialogue between my soul and my ashes我靈魂與塵埃的短暫對話》‧2012-13‧木刻印於布料‧150 x 167.5 cm